Ep. 80 - 2021 Plant Trends
The Plant Daddies are ready to roll up their sleeves and dive into their houseplant trend predictions for 2021!
Anyone surprised that Aroids and Hoyas feature heavily? They're also ready to vent about the 'It Plants' that disappointed them the most last year. Do the laws of physics apply to these plant fads? Let's just humor Stephen and say "yes." Then Matthew shares why we haven't released that Philodendron Birkin episode yet.
Mentioned in this episode:
trends in plants, growing methods, and techniques - what’s out, what’s still in, what’s coming up
internet content about 2021 plant wishlists, and what stood out to us
Stephen’s thoughts on carnivorous plant, cactus, and succulent trends to look out for this year; Matthew’s thoughts on the trends in tropical foliage plants, with a focus on variegation, Aroids, and buying rare plants
Hoyas, obviously
cautionary tales we’re learning when it comes to plant trends, and how we intend to go about plant collecting and growing this year

Move over, Stephania erecta! There’s another species in town with even more dramatic glaucous blue green foliage and a woody caudex: Stephania kaweesakii, commonly known as Nova. The Plant Daddies jumped on this one, and think others might too.

Stephen also predicts that there might be some increased interest in Cacti with special attributes like compact, snowflake-like clusters of spines, unusual colors, or interesting growth habits, but Matthew thinks that the popularity of Philodendron Birkin might have run its course while plant parents look to other (perhaps more rewarding) variegated Aroids to enjoy in their homes.