Ep. 45 - String of Pearls
Senecio rowleyanus Plant Profile
In their first socially-distanced episode, the Plant Daddies discuss the String of Pearls, Senecio rowleyanus
…and reminisce about the days when they could hang out and pilfer each other's plants. Whose succulent soil recipe is best? And how long will that poor cutting stay on Stephen's countertop? Brace yourself for some audio hiccups as we learn how to talk over the phone. It's hard for millennials!
Mentioned in this episode:
why we repot these almost immediately upon bringing them home

And to help you succeed with these plants, consider giving Episode 44 a listen - we talk all about our own preferred succulent substrates and how to compose your own ideal succulent potting mix! Stephen and I did a test with this plant to see if his extremely gritty and mineral-heavy mix was better than mine, with more organic material and a different mineral composition, and we were really excited about the results! These episodes are great companions to one another.