Ep. 118 - Chinese Evergreen
Aglaonema Plant Profile
Need a foliage plant for a low light spot that will actually survive? Even thrive?
This week we talk about Aglaonema, which we both believe is one of your best options for this situation. How long can these actually survive in less-than-ideal light? And how much moisture (or lack of it) can they tolerate? Our answers may surprise you. Also, what’s an “Aglaonema stepfather,” and how's that custom textile print coming? Like we say, this is about respect.
Mentioned in this episode:
the difference between indirect light levels from “low” to “bright indirect”, and how to know if your plant is getting enough to thrive, and not just survive
how far you can stray from “ideal” conditions and still have an impressive Chinese Evergreen
new developments in breeding and hybridizing Aglaonema, the extraordinarily colorful choices available today, and the wild origins of this classic houseplant