Ep. 114 - Hoya callistophylla
Plant Profile (and the Finlaysonii Complex)
Are you considering a splurge Hoya?
If so, the Plant Daddies believe Hoya callistophylla should be on your short list. Are the rumors about straightforward care for this species true? And where are the cuttings Matthew promised Stephen? After we share other, similar Hoyas in the Finlaysonii complex worth considering, will this episode get an explicit rating? At this point, no one should be surprised!
Mentioned in this episode:
Hoyas worth growing exclusively for their foliage
does the price tag of a “status” plant mean it’s more challenging, slower-growing, or harder to propagate than more common, similar plants?
figuring out if a pricey “status” plant is worth the hype
similar related Hoyas worth considering

Matthew’s three Finlaysonii Complex Hoyas - H. callistophylla, showing its growth over the spring and summer of 2021, H. deykeae from brand new cuttings to an established young plant, and the very young rooted cutting of H. finlaysonii that he couldn’t help but order after preparing for this episode.
If you’re interested in seeing the other two related Hoyas that the Plant Daddies called out at the end of the episode, check out these pages from Vermont Hoyas for Hoya sp. Gunung Gading and Hoya aff. clemensiorum.
And because Stephen mentions it regularly, here is the video from Doug Chamberlain discussing Matthew’s pick for Most Beautiful Foliage Hoya.