Ep. 76 - Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia nicolai & reginae Plant Profile
On this very special episode, we discuss the Strelitzia…
…specifically S. nicolai, the White Bird of Paradise. This plant was formative to Matthew's journey as a young plant parent, as we suspect it is for many others, too. After Stephen recovers from shocking past "care" stories, he comes around to "this isn't terrible at all!" Is pruning going to help keep these small? Can the orange-flowering S. reginae bloom indoors? And Matthew low-key promises a gift to Stephen - we should all hold him to that!
Mentioned in this episode:
enormous but surprisingly hardy houseplants that make a dramatic statement
different varieties, and what to expect when growing them indoors

And a special thank you to the photographers who took these photos!
Cover photo - Strelitzia nicolai as a potted houseplant @juliasplantsta
1. S. nicolai as a potted houseplant @lollaplantlooza
2. S. nicolai flowers @fotosintesi.giardiniere.roma
3. S. nicolai flowers @salihbastug
4. S. reginae as a potted plant @littlenorwegianjungle
5. S. reginae flower @hermione.mm
6. S. reginae at the LA Public Library @lapubliclibrary
7. S. juncea, Matthew’s suggested Bird of Paradise for Stephen @bamboosouthcoast